Science Teacher Professional Development for Inclusive Practice

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  • Simone Abels Leuphana University of Lüneburg



Inclusion, Inquiry-based science teaching, Professional vision, Reflection, Video-based study


Most subject teachers are not specifically educated for inclusion. Inclusive practice at classroom level remains a blind spot. This case study provides insight into the inclusive practice of two science teachers by video-based participant observation and then uses the data as a basis for professional development. The videos were recorded in an inquiry-based science class of an urban “inclusive middle school” in Austria. The two science teachers of this class reflected upon their own instruction. Three more science teachers reflected upon the others’ teaching. The focus of the study was on what the teachers noticed and reasoned as they viewed the videos. The reflective sessions were audiotaped. Grounded Theory was used to analyze and compare the data. Surprisingly, the results show that inclusion was not often addressed and it was especially difficult to discover in others’ teaching; however, implicit connections to inclusive, but not subject-specific teaching principles, can be drawn.


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How to Cite

Abels, S. (2019). Science Teacher Professional Development for Inclusive Practice. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 11(1), 19–29.