Contributions of "Problems Solving Strategies" in Physics Issues of ENEM

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  • Guilherme Stecca Marcom Programa de Pós Graduação Multiunidades em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (PECIM); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
  • Maurício Urban Kleinke Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghing (IFGW); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil


ENEM, Formative assessment, Physics issues, Problems-solving strategies, Wrong alternatives


Brazil has some large-scale assessments, for instance, state or national exams to evaluate basic education, higher education admission process, and the national high school exam (ENEM) which is for sure the most important. We use the researches on problem-solving strategies, because they provide a number of difficulties associated with the resolution of questions of physics. As seen, know the difficulties presented by beginners in their solution strategies of a problem can suggest ways to understand what the reasons signal a wrong alternative are. The strategies analyzes results in the following inferences: a not correct use of units of measurement; the presence of symbolic forms; intuitive reasoning in solving problems; not scientific concepts and wrong images’ analysis present in item. If the results returned for the schools teaches and managers can be used to promote learning, and we expected that physics teachers, use those information to improve the students’ knowledge, in physic area on public schools.


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How to Cite

Marcom, G. S., & Kleinke, M. U. . (2017). Contributions of "Problems Solving Strategies" in Physics Issues of ENEM. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 9(2), 13–16. Retrieved from