Developing of the Concept Cartoon, Animation and Diagnostic Branched Tree Supported Conceptual Change Text: “Gas Pressure”
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Concept Cartoon, Animation, Diagnostic Branched Tree, Conceptual Change Text, Gas PressureAbstract
The aim of the study is to develop and introduce concept cartoon, animation and Diagnostic Branched Tree (DBT) supported Conceptual Change Text (CCT) related with “gas pressure” in the level of elementary 8th grade. The CCT is a teaching material based on conceptual change approach. It is preferred in order to achieve conceptual change in various studies. In the CCT, concept cartoons were used in order to provide that students clearly express their prior knowledge. Animations were used to concretize abstract concepts. Also, DBT was used in parallel with the specified in the Science and Technology Instruction Program alternative assessment and evaluation in order to provide that students discuss in the classroom. When taken into account that studies related with “gas pressure” is not enough and misconceptions related with “gas pressure” sufficiently are not studied in the Science and Technology course books, it is believed that the developed CCT in this study is an alternative source material for student and science teachers.
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