Effect of Different Teaching Methods and Techniques Embedded in the 5E Instructional Model on Students' Learning about Buoyancy Force

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Elementary education, 5E instructional model, teaching methods and techniques, buoyancy force


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of developed instructional material based on the 5E instructional model which is enriched with various teaching methods and techniques for students’ learning of the buoyancy force concept. The teaching strategy based on the 5E instructional model is derived from a constructivist view of learning. The sample group consisting of forty-eight students (Control Group=23; Experiment Group=25) is selected from two different eighth grade classes in Giresun, Turkey. Four two-tier questions are used to collect data, and data are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings suggest that using different teaching methods and techniques embedded in the 5E instructional model enables students to remedy some misconceptions about the buoyancy force, but does not completely eliminate them.


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How to Cite

Çepni, S., & Şahin, Çiğdem. (2012). Effect of Different Teaching Methods and Techniques Embedded in the 5E Instructional Model on Students’ Learning about Buoyancy Force. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 4(2), 97–127. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v4i2.98